Sunday, May 29, 2005

Don Quixote!!!

Am not going to disappoint my readers anymore so here is this blog that brings out the philosopher in me...........
Not sure how many of you have read this classic 'Don Quixote' by Miguel De Cervantes,though even i have not read this book in the recent past,I remember listening so intently to my english teacher who spoke so animatedly about this book in my grade 7.

Recently this book has celebrated it's 400'th anniversary.Thanks to V Gangadhar's Slice of Life for enlightening me on this info.There is this particular line in the article that cought my attention "Most human beings had a little bit of Don Quixote within" very true in all sense.Every human being has his/her own share of eccentricity and madness that comes to surface only with his/her own inner circle of people.Otherwise human beings are just actors taking up different roles at different stages in a play called 'Life'.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Left Versus Right

Eureka!!!I seem to find a very absurd and a funny relationship betweeen the left and the right hemispheres of my brain.I shall definitely not get into the technical nuances of the differences(no prizes for guessing why?? ;-)) but will elucidate my inferences from my personal experience.
For the past 1 month I spent considerable amount of time doing blog reading and blog writing coz the wonderful company I am working for gave a short vacation to my left hemisphere.This activity of mine put a tremendous pressure on my right grey cells.Then one fine day I find myself stranded in a mindboggling assignment causing severe tension to my left brain.Blog reading&blog writing was put in the backburner then onwards.
When your left hemisphere works ardously your right hemisphere goes in for a hibernation and viceversa.I am not sure if this concept can be generalised but it sure holds good for gayathri.
Isn't this blog a novel way of telling the world that currently I am suffering from severe bouts of 'Writers's Block' :-))