Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Left Versus Right

Eureka!!!I seem to find a very absurd and a funny relationship betweeen the left and the right hemispheres of my brain.I shall definitely not get into the technical nuances of the differences(no prizes for guessing why?? ;-)) but will elucidate my inferences from my personal experience.
For the past 1 month I spent considerable amount of time doing blog reading and blog writing coz the wonderful company I am working for gave a short vacation to my left hemisphere.This activity of mine put a tremendous pressure on my right grey cells.Then one fine day I find myself stranded in a mindboggling assignment causing severe tension to my left brain.Blog reading&blog writing was put in the backburner then onwards.
When your left hemisphere works ardously your right hemisphere goes in for a hibernation and viceversa.I am not sure if this concept can be generalised but it sure holds good for gayathri.
Isn't this blog a novel way of telling the world that currently I am suffering from severe bouts of 'Writers's Block' :-))


vinu_s renish said...

Are you sure of what you have written?
Coz left part and right part comes only when you have the object in question:)
just kidding..

hey i dont understand what you have written..a lil weak in biology..are u saying that you use 2 different parts of your brain for blogging and coding?
or r u trying to infer something..

Gayathri Krish said...

What I have inferred can actually sound insane but with very little knowledge in biology and little bit of googling i presume that analytical,logical part that is used extensively in coding outweighs the creativity portion of your right hemisphere..
Even now i think i sound crazy..

Subramaniam Venkataraman said...

Allright my turn...let me add to the confusion now.

"Left Right Left...Left Right Left..." --This is the standard marching call.Allthough we seem to hear more calls of "left", what actually happens is that there is a "right" step taken for every vacant time interval that has no call.So the march actually has an equal number of steps taken by both the left and the right feet....Guess it's the same with your brain.

Gayathri Krish said...

Subu i think you have made some have you used your left or right or a little bit of both

Meena Venkataraman said...

no new posts..??
me going to protest

Gayathri Krish said...

Meena...I have lot's of ideas gimme sometime before i transform them to a blog

Juggernaut said...

just an interjection, how can you call the left "quartero-sphere" the "left hemi-sphere" ?

don't mind, just my R-Complex doing the talk!