Tuesday, April 12, 2005

The Game Of Guessing.....

The below mentioned conversation is not based on any real life characters or incidents.They are purely the sparks of Udaya's imaginative mind.A big thank you for giving me the honour to publish it in my blog.

A long lost friend from my school days called me up last week. After the initial excitement of talking to each other after years had died down, she threw the bombshell...
Sri : Guess what.. I am engaged!
Me : Thats great Sri!Congrats!
Sri : Thanks!Marriage is next month!
Me : Wow!!So tell me more...how do you know him..
Sri : His name is Vishnu and he works in San Jose.. ...I am not telling you how I got to know him though ...you guess
There began my guessing game ...tough pushups for my really greying grey cells..
I had known Sri and her family very well for 5 years when I was in school..and my first thought was that hers was a traditional arranged marriage...but then she had said "I am not telling you how got to know him"...note the point.. she knew him first ..that didnt happen in arranged marriages ..
So I thought I should try other not-tooo-out-of-the-conventional ideas
Me : Is he some distant relative?You met at a family trip?
Sri : No
Me : hmm ok..he is one of your dad's friends son ..
Sri : Wrong again
Me : You met him at work?
Sri : Nope - different professions man..he is not a doctor..
At this point it struck me that I shouldn't waste my efforts in original guessing...what the hell were movies for if they didnt help me even in such situations...So I decided to pick a favourite director - Mani Ratnam...and use his love stories to guess..
So here was my algorithm - I would use Mani Ratnams movies alphabetically and try guessing based on the story line
So I started with Movies with A...well there were lots of movies with A :)
A for Alai payuthey
Me : You met him at a wedding !
Sri: Nope
Me : Thats ok I am still at A
Sri : What?
Me : No nothing
B for Bombay..Vishnu is not a muslim name - so I ditched the idea...
D for Dil SeMe : When you were travelling - you met on the bus/train/airplane/railway station/airport etc..
Sri : Nope!
I for Iruvar.hmm..falling in love at a movie set...well...sri used to dance...
Me : Hey do you still dance?
Sri : Yes I do ..why suddenly?
Me : Good . I know where you met this guy..u and he dance together right?
Sri : Whats wrong with you..what do you think I dance ...ballet??
So I proceeded with the alphabets..M for Mouna Ragam...
Me - Where you witness to some rowdism and fights..
Sri - What ?
Me - Did you meet him at the police station?
Sri - Hey..
Me (interrupting) - You had an accident?
Sri -I should be the one asking you that...you sound really weird...
Me - Shh..did you meet at a hospital?
Sri - For god's sake..No!!
She dint have a sister leave alone an elder one ...so no Roja kind of meeting...
I starting Panicing..I was nearing the end of the alphabets here..Y for Yuva.
Me : At a party?
Sri :NoMe : You share common interests maybe...some social organizations/clubs etc?
Sri : No
The movie idea wasn't very useful...
Oh well she only said she knew him..not met him...so maybe she feel in love with his voice or something...
Me : Does he sing or play some instruments..
Sri : Well ..everyone is a bathroom singer...
That sounded farfetched...listening to someone singing in the bathroom was tough enough...leave alone fall in love with that singing!
I suddenly remembered something..
Me : Oh well, is it that neighbour of yours ..Vishal right?
Sri : Nice that you remember Vishal..but wish you remembered more..he is a couple of years younger than us and I am not doing anything very unconventional here
I was running out of ideas here ...I really understood the difficulty of movie directors!
Me : Poor Movie makers
Sri : What do u mean? He is not a movie maker!
Me : Thank god!they have a tough time..
I decided it was time to shift gear...I was going to be exhaustive now..so I decided to try all hangouts and landmarks in Chennai ...
Me : You meet him At the besant nagar beach/under the banyan tree/over the adyar bridge Sri : (laughing) You sound like our second grade english teacher teaching prepositions!Anyways the answer is no!
Me : What abt the vandaloor zoo and the Children's park!
Sri : I havent been to the Vandalur zoo since the 3rd grade excursion..if I had met him then I was too young to bother!Be sensible!
I had had enough!Time for a little help I decided..
Me : ok I give up..give me a clue
Sri : I really never thought you couldn't guess this one! Anyways the clue is and I am really giving away the answer here...I met him virtually.. You have only 3 more guesses..
AAAhhh...how dumb of me..ofcourse she must have met him on the net...well..in some chatroom..I thought..
Me : You met at a chatroom
Sri: 2 more guesses and thats it!
Me (all knowingly) : On the orkut scrap book??
Sri : One and only one more guess and before you guess..its a bet..if you guess right ...I will...oh well our usual deal...
Finally it struck me.. she was talking about the matrimony sites? Must be...if I had had any brains that should have been my first guess...
Me : ok I double my stakes...
Sri : Sure ok!
Me : You met at some matrimony site...
Sri : Nooooooooo and I win
Thats it! my head was really hot now.. I was at my wits end!
Me : Hope you are not lying and your Vishnu better be worth it ok..
Sri : Ha ! ok!We met at a blog...he had left a comment in my blog and I left a comment in his and I blogrolled him and he blogrolled and me and you know...

That was something I least expected! She left me shell shocked!
May the blog counters roll and long live google!!!!!


Rajesh J Advani said...

He he! :) The guessing game was quite cute :)

Gayathri Krish said...

Will fwd your compliments to my buddy!!
Neway thanks for visiting my blog!!

Ram said...

whoever wrote this has some patience!! very interesting read...