Wednesday, April 06, 2005


Are your blogs a true reflection of yourself??? that is something you really have think about.Offlate i have developed this new hobby of judging an individual's personality from his/her writings.Maybe too much of blog reading right now has given birth to this new interest.
I have always been under the assumption that, the kind of inferences i drew as a result of blog reading was always correct, until yesterday,when I had a heated discussion with my closest pal.Here the conflict arised not on the individual's persona but on the person's gender. She could actually hear a male voice talking behind the blog while i heard the resounding echoes of a female's voice.

Yin and the yang dramatically differ in the way they think,the way they talk,the way they write,the way they conduct themselves and most important the way they look at life.....a world of difference between the two of them.Well if blogging is used as a medium to express your perceptions,your thoughts,your take on life then it actually requires an enormous amount of effort to fake your gender.
So coming back to the blog i was talking about hmmmmmmmmm still dunno whether it's a he or a she inspite of obvious references to feminine pronouns but whoever he/she is hat's off to his/her play with words.


Nimbus said...

Hello Gayathri,

I think bloggers project a personality that they'd like people to see, which is not necessarily fake, but oftentimes only a *part* of their complete selves. Revealing yourself completely to strangers is not an easy task, after all.

I must admit though, I've never run into a blogger whose gender has thrown me into a confusion. So who was right, your friend or you? :)

And thank you for visiting my blog and for leaving a pin on my guestmap, and for blogrolling me as well! Hope you enjoy blogging as much as some of us do and look forward to reading more of your writing :)

Gayathri Krish said...

Megha,that was a complete surprise :-)))) am privileged :-).
I think my friend has got it wrong which means i am right.Udaya are you hearing me.......

karthik'isms said...


when u find time read my blog and let me know more abt my personality.
